

Friday, December 17, 2010

Our little man

Grady (cousin) being a big helper

2 Month Baby Well Check Up

Easton had his 2 month check up this morning. He's doing great except for his weight. He's 75% for his height and 10% for his weight. He weighed 9lbs 8oz and was 23.2 inches long. Drs only concern is his weight gain. I have exhausted everything when it comes to breast feeding. I have introduced formula in his daily diet..only.... 2 oz in the afternoon after nursing and 2 oz in the evening before bed so his tummy is fuller. The Dr. wants me to try for a couple of weeks to nurse him and then give him as much formula from a bottle he will take. He wants to see if he'll put on some weight or if he'll stay in the 10 percentile and just be a long and skinny little boy. I'm very disappointed that my body isn't producing enough milk to fulfill his nutritional needs but I can't starve him either. These last 8 weeks have been very trying for me and little Easton but if I have to give him formula for his growth then thats what I"m going to do. At least he's getting half breast milk and half formula and not all formula. Hopefully our little guy starts growing.

Easton loves his formual...when he's super hungry he lets us know it by holding his fists by his ears. Whenever his fists are by his ears and he's screaming like a teridatckle..its time eat. He is definitely a stubborn little guy when it comes to him being hungry.

As for his vaccinnes..Jesse and I have decided to do the alternate route and give him his shots once a month instead of all the shots at the same time. Just not comfortable with all that medicine in his body at one time. The Dr doesn't really agree with me but this is the way Jesse and I are comfortable doing.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I can't believe that Easton is almost 2 months old. He really has grown and has actually put some weight on. Last night Easton was even a big boy and slept in his very own crib for the first time with out the carseat in it. He did very well..only woke up once to nurse and after nursing he went right back to sleep in his crib. Hopefully I'll be able to get him on a schedule to where he can sleep through the night as well as in his crib. Would be nice for Jesse and I to actually get a good eight ours of sleep.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Full nights rest!

Another awesome night...Easton slept through his first whole night with out waking. It was an amazing 10-5:30 and Jesse and I had a full nights rest. So proud of my little man!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Well...last night Easton had an awesome night. I put him down at 11 in his car seat and he didn't wake up till 4 am. I actually had to wake him up for fear he was hungry. I've read that he can sleep through the night now instead of having to get up to be fed so from now on I will no longer be waking him up to nurse. So thankful both Easton and I had a good nights rest. It was much needed after a couple of days of no sleep.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sleeping Schedule

Our little pickle is back to spuratic sleeping habits. For the last two nights he has been wide awake the entire night. Not sure how we got our schedule off but it is so frustrating when you have a wide a wake baby and a completely exhausted mommy. Hoping to get our sleeping schedule actually on a schedule.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving at the Blanchards

We decided to stay in DSM for Thanksgiving this year since we were just back in Denison last weekend. We enjoyed a great meal and family time with my sister and her family.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Eastons first travels

The weekend before Thanksgiving Jesse and I traveled back to his hometown of Denison and was able to stay at his moms house. His stepdad's family has their Thanksgiving the weekend before. I was really skeptical about going back home just because of being out of my eliment. I'm so comfortable at home nursing and taking care of Easton..turns out it was a really good weekend and it was good to see everyone. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays just because of all the wonderful food. Jesse's step dads family also threw us a baby shower. We got some great gifts and a rocker for our bedroom that I was wanting. 

First Thanksgiving at Grandpa Toms

Auntie Paige and Easton at Thanksgiving

What a cutie - cousin Ava

Great Grandpa and Grandma

Eastons handmade blue jean quilt from Great Grandma

Grandparents - Tom and Marla at Thanksgiving

Monday, November 15, 2010

Weigh in Update

Once again had to take Easton back in to get weighed at the hospital...I was really hoping for some improvement but when I weighed him he had only gained 1oz in a week. He was at 7lbs 11oz and today he weighed in at 7lbs 12oz. I was so discouraged. Since he had such a great week last week I was hoping for the same this week. My older sister and I met with Angela (lactation Nurse)...she told me that I need to continue to do what i have been but after I nurse him and feed him he's to get more pumped milk in a bottle...I also had to rent a scale so every time before and after he nurses he has to get weighed to see how much he's consuming. A good weigh in would of been a gain of 4oz...Guess we'll see how this week goes...not ready to give up on nursing just yet.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Family in Town

My older sister Michelle, her little girl and my mom decided to come down for the weekend. We all had a great time shopping, hanging out and cooking....Miley especially had a great time with the two baby boys...she could barely keep her hands off of them... Michelle would of had a great helper if she would of had another one... :)
Grandma helping Miley hold Easton
Sweet Kisses from his cousin Miley
Miley constantly wanted to hold and touch the babies

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Family Visits

Today we were able to spend some time with Jesse's brothers family that came down from Council Bluffs who hadn't seen Easton yet. It was good to see them and we all had a good time visiting. There were only able to stay for a short while but Thanksgiving is only around the corner when we'll get to see everyone again.
Ava, Gage and Hannah with's not to excited about having their picture taken