

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Omaha Trip - Lancers Hockey Game - ACE FIRST SMILE / FIRST TRAVELS

Ace's first travels was to Omaha for a Lancer Hockey game. Jason and his family were getting together with their cousins on the Kuehnhold side. When they were down to visit they told us about the get together and suggested that we join. Jesse and I decided to join them for the weekend....we ended up having a great time. It was great getting to know that side of the family since technically I have never really spoken to them, Easton had a great time at the hockey game and swimming at the hotel and playing with his cousins Gage, Hannah and Ava. Ace slept the whole time during the game. Ace gave us his first smile during the trip which was so cute to see. Love his little smile. Over all we had a great trip with Jesse's cousins and hopefully we can get together with them more often.

Easton wasn't too fond of Darth Vator

Cousins - Ava and Easton

Easton loved his alien balloon

playing with cousin Hannah

Cousins - Kim, Lisa with Jason and Jesse

Cousins and their children

Good looking family

Hockey shirts from friend Mindy

Easton is finally not scared of the water

My handsome hubby

Easton had such a great time playing in the water with daddy

Look at that smile!

Lisa and Ace

Easton wasn't too happy that he had to get out of the pool

Love my boys

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ace - One Month

Ace 1 month - 2 month.
February 11-March 11

     1.) 2/12 Weight check 8lbs 15oz
     2.) 2/18 First pair of shoes - Craft day with Aunt Steph
     3.) 2/19 Mommies 6 week appointment, weight check at 9lbs 4oz, visited mommies work
     4.) 2/19 Bearing weight on legs
     5.) 2/23 First Trip - Omaha NE for the Lancers Game with Uncle Jason and Family
     6.) 2/23 First Smile
     7.) 2/24 Rought night - up all night screaming. Hyvee trip for thermometer - slipped and twisted knee on ice
     8.) 2/25 Ortho Dr's appointment with Daddy and Mommy. MRI needed of mommys knee, Grandma Janelles Birthday
     9.) 2/26 First day at daycare. Mommy couldn't watch you due to not being able to walk. Did great
   10.) 2/27 First Basking Babies Buffet, lunch with Jill, weight check of 9lbs 9oz.
   11.) 2/28 Supplement Formula 1/2 oz for every feeding or 3 oz per day. Not getting enough of mommies good milk
   12.) 3/01 Daycare for a couple of hours while mommy got her MRI for her knee
   13.) 3/03 Sledding with Cousins
   14.) 3/06 Weight check - 9lbs 15oz at Angela's
   15.) 3/07 First trip to Costco with Mommy and Daddy
   16.) 3/08 First trip home to SD to see Grandma and Grandpa Herman and Cousins - Did well on the drive home. Only started fussing when we got to Sioux Falls. Easton screamed the entire way home
   17.) 3/09 Eye Dr's office for Easton due to an infected eye
   18.) 3/10 Church - met all of Grandma's friends
   19.) 3/11 Visited Grandma's friend Lee and Allison the photographer

Sleeping Patterns: Sleeps great from 10-2. Fussy time from 3am-7am. Loves sleeping on mommys chest. Sleeps in carseat in bassinet or in bed with mommy. Swaddled to sleep
Feeding Schedule: Nurses every 2-2.5 hours. Receives 2 oz of formula before bedtime to help sleep longer
Sounds and Motions: Cooing, teridactle cry, whining and breathing hard when hungry, sad look with bottom lip when upset, turtle mouth when hungry, churp noises, snorts when mad
Likes: car rides, being bounced in the bouncer, laying under jungle gym, kisses from brother, sleeping in carseat
Dislikes: hiccupps, being hungry, tubby time, being still
Favorite Toys: paci pal, water play mat, laying on the floor kicking,
Learning: smaile, track with eyes, bare weight on legs, trying to grasp things with fingers, lift head. You're very strong for a newborn.