

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

Easter this year like every year was held in Denison with Jesse's family. Since we haven't been back since Ace was born we decided to go back Saturday and spend the night so everyone had the chance to meet Ace. I hadn't taken the boys to see the Easter bunny so before we left dsm we made a trip to the Bass Pro Shop...unfortunately the line was out the door so instead went over to Valley West Mall. Easton probably enjoyed the bunny at VWM better since he was able to ride the train. He still loves trains. Easton did great with the Easter bunny...wasn't scared one bit.

We got to Denison around 4. Stopped by Grandma Brenda for a little bit to see Aunt Paige and meet her boyfriend and to see Grandma. Great Grandma Henningson birthday was the same day and a surprise birthday party was being thrown for more reason why we decided to go back a day early. Her birthday party was a success...we think she knew something was up. We all had a good time visiting and everyone had a good time holding and meeting Ace for the first time. Got some great pictures with Great grandma and grandpa with their great grand children.

Since Tom and Marla were hosting Marla's family....we really were unsure as to where we were going to stay. Brenda offered her house but I felt it was going to be a little tight. We were thinking of going to Carroll to see Matt and Ashley and possibly stay with them...that didn't happen since we got to visiting at Great Grandma's house. We ended up staying out at the farm. Easton had a rough night due to not getting comfortable in the pack and play. I ended up putting him on the floor around 4am and he slept a lot better...long night for me though.

Sunday we woke up, had amazing pancakes and then headed to Portsmouth to Tim and Diane's house for the Blum side of Easter. Everyone was there and we all had a good time eating and visiting. Easton had fun doing the easter egg hunt and obtaining lots of candy. He was a little on the crabby side just because he hadn't slept a lot the night before. We ended up leaving around 4:00. It was good to get home and relax. Easton went to bed a little earlier just because of the lack of sleep and he was so tired.

We had a great weekend spending it with family. One of these Easters I hope to make it to an Easter Sunday service....
Great Grandpa Harold's first time meeting baby Ace

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Aunt Paige and Ace

Great looking couple

Great Grandma's first time meeting Ace


Grandma Brenda snuggling little Ace

Love my little Easton

Joni and Ace

Daddy (rocking the creeper stach)

Easton having fun playing with trucks

Grandpa Tom playing with Easton

finding Easter eggs

My little gap boy

It was a little chilly..had to get the coat out


Easter Bunny and Easter Train

Not scared of the Easter bunny this year

Easton loved the train. He could ride that for hours

Visiting the Easter bunny with cousins

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday Fun with Grady and Jace

All bundled up - finally nice weather
fun times playing outside
cousins have all these fun ride on toys
Auntie Steph with Ace
Cousin Grady riding his strider bike
Jace loving on Ace
Look at the size difference of these boys
Grady helping out by feeding Ace
Mr bobble head in the bumbo
dying easter eggs
fun times dying eggs
trampoline is always a good time
the boy's love for cars
Worlds best little bro and Big Bro

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Maternity Leave 1/08-4/08

Can you believe that my 12 weeks of materinty leave is almost over. I only have 2.5 more months to treasure with baby Ace. Wish time wouldn't fly so fast. I have enjoyed staying home with Ace over the course of the last 10 weeks. Easton for the most part has been going to daycare. I have kept him home a couple of days out of the week at times but feel that he's better going to daycare so he can stay in his same schedule since I will be going back to work.

Baby Ace has been a great baby. My mom came to stay with us for the first week of being home. She helped out tremendously. My dad ended up coming a short time later. I was definitely sad to see them leave. Ace struggled with his sleeping schedule. We surely did have some exhausting nights the first week. He fought sleep like crazy.  Finally we discovered that he did very well at nights sleeping in his car seat. Easton was the same way. We slept Easton in his carseat for at least a month before switching him over to his crib. I have yet to switch Ace over to his crib. I feel i get more sleep and peace of mind when he's in our room. The first couple of weeks his sleeping pattern was very scattered. He for the most part would wake up every 3 to 4 hours to nurse but everytime he nursed he did not want to go back to sleep. I had many weeks of sleepless nights or nights in the basement on the couch due to Ace keeping Jesse awake. He loved to stay awake from 3am on or if i wanted some sleep he would actually sleep on me or with me in bed. I didn't really like that scenerio but in order for me to get a little sleep that's what I did most nights for the first month. Jesse found out what it was like on the weekends since he'd help me out a little. I was a nice wife and let him sleep during the week since he did have to get up and go to work. I on the other hand really didn't sleep at all during the day even though i was going on barely any sleep. Ace has now developed a more solid sleep schedule. I'll put him to bed around 11 and then he'll sleep till around 3:30/4 to nurse and thankfully go right back to sleep until around 7:30am. I can definitely handle that sleeping schedule. At least i'm getting more than a couple hours of sleep at night. I have found nursing in bed to be the easiest. When he was a newborn i'd get up and go to the nursery and nurse in there while a days he's fine with just nursing in bed and then going straight back into his carseat.

Ace and I have had better success at nursing than Easton and I ever did. My milk hardly came in with Easton so we had to supplement formula early on. Ace on the other hand has done remarkably well at nursing and I have found that I am able to produce a little more milk. Dr Owens still wanted me to come in once a week for a weigh in check just to make sure he actually was gaining weight. He wanted him to his birth weight by the time he was two weeks old. Ace left the hospital at 7lbs 1oz. Normally if the baby loses 10% of their body weight they become concerned. Ace lost 9% so it was still below the 10%. His first weigh in check with Dr Owens he was 7lbs 6oz so he had gained a little after leaving the hospital. A week later when we took him back to the pediatrician he was 7lbs 14oz so he did pass his birth weight of 7lbs 12oz. which was a relief. Dr Owens gave us the ok to not have to come back until his 2 month baby well check up. Even though we didn't have to go back I still continued to visit Angela's (lactation consultant) office on a weekly basis just to make sure he was continuing to gain...even though it wasn't at a rapid pace (an ounce a day)...he was still gaining on a weekly basis.

Easton didn't know what to think when we first brought brother Ace home from the hospital. Since he wasn't able to visit in the hospital due to the flu epic he really didn't get to meet his brother until days later when we were discharged. Easton at first didn't even want to hold him. It took him seeing his cousins Grady and Jace holding him to finally really get excited about holding him. Over the last two months Easton has grown to love his little brother. He enjoys sharing his rabbit blanket, giving him his paci when he's crying and kissing him constantly on his forehead. It is so cute to watch him love on his little brother and do so well with him.

Ace and I have done our fair share of shopping over the couse of being home on maternity leave. It's nice to get out of the house every once in a while. He is a trooper when it comes to shopping. He loves car rides but hates stop signs/stop lights. He enjoys the movement and when he's not moving he's crying. I have yet to venture out with both boys by myself. It will defintitly be more work trying to look after both boys while out. We normally venture out with both boys when Jesse is able to help.

I had wanted my maternity leave to be during the summer so i could get out and enjoy the weather. It's nice being at home during the cold winter due to snow storms. We have had our share of them. I luckily haven't had to get out during them. Jesse has taken off early on some days just to get Easton from daycare. It's so cold having to take Ace out in the cold weather. We enjoy our snow days in doors with the heater going. I do have to say though that the days do get long when you don't get out often enough.

I think Ace is going to have a rude awakening when he starts daycare. Over the course of my maternity leave Ace and I have been stuck in the rocking chair. He fights sleep so much that it's just easier to rock him to sleep. He hates not being held. When you put him down he immediately wakes up and starts crying. I'm trying to break this habit of his but it's harder than it seems. I feel that he's going to have lots of crying days at Vicky's house due to her not being able to pick him up and hold him/rock him all the time. I don't try and spoil him but it's hard not to since he's so cuddly. It didn't help when we went home to the farm where my nieces held Ace constantly and he enjoyed that immensily. I have taken Ace a couple of times to daycare just so i could run errands or make appointments. Vicky has said that he loves to be held and that if he's crying when you immediately pick him up he stops crying. He's a smart little cookie.

Even though my milk seems to have increased since with Easton...i still am not producing enough to satisfy his needs. We are having to supplement a couple ounces a day in order to get his daily nutritional needs in. He seems to really feed well off the bottle and has even started messing around when nursing on me. So frustrating since I love nursing him and having that bond with him. I'm hoping to keep up the nursing and pumping when I go back to work. Even though we have to supplement a couple of ounces a day I still enjoy nursing and at least letting him consume a little of my milk.

Ace experienced one night where he just would not stop crying. It wasn't a normal cry but a painful cry. Jesse and I were up practically all night...I let Jesse go back to sleep around 3am due to him having to work the next day. I on the other hand was up all night long. I was worried that Ace was running a fever and well we didn't really have any working thermometers....i decided to make a hyvee trip to get a working thermometer. While walking back into the house I slipped and fell on some ice. I heard and felt everything tear/pop. I barely could walk to the house after falling and almost had to call Jesse to come and help me in. The next morning my whole leg/knee was swollen and I could barely put any pressure on it. Turns out Ace didn't even have a fever. I was now in fear that I had done something horrible to my knee. Luckily Jesse was able to take the afternoon off and take me to the Ortho Dr. We did exrays and it showed nothing. I made an appointment for an MRI just because since we had met our deductable with Ace there was no reason why not to see if something majorly wrong....had the MRI done and waited a week for the results. Thankfully nothing was torn but i did crack my Tibial Plateau bone. The Dr said I had to of fallen very hard in order to crack that bone. Unfortunatley there was nothing they could do. It woud just heal over time. Thankfully it's feeling a little better and I'm able to walk and put pressure on it. For a while I wasn't even able to carry my baby.

I am so sad that I only have 2.5 weeks left of maternity leave left. I love staying home with my boys and getting to spend every waking moment with them. Even though i'm not sure i could be a stay at home mom..the thought of it and if we could afford it would be nice. I hate the fact that Vicky gets to see all of their firsts and enjoy the whole day with them. At least we have found a loving daycare for both of them where we know they are taken care of.

While being home Ace has experienced:
1.) sleeping pattern of 11-3 and 3:30-6:30 am.
2.) nurses ever 2-3 hours consistantly - likes having a couple of ounces of formula right before bed to top him off
3.) has not gotten accustome to tubby time. Still screams the whole time
4.) loves his puppy paci pal and even holds it in his mouth. Will not take a normal paci now
5.) jumps at loud noices
6.) snorts when hungry or mad
7.) pleads to you to pick him up - gives you the bottom lip and whines - it's the cutest thing
8.) hates being swaddled but sleeps so much better when swaddled. He has now associated swaddling to sleeping time
9.) first Super Bowl party with friends (Adenline and Emma)
10.) first Valentines Day
11.) first smile ( February 23, 2013) during our Omaha trip
12.) first trip - Omaha trip to a Lancers hockey game.
13.) stopping at Mommy and Daddy's work and having co-workers swoon over him
14.) weekly weigh ins at Angela's (lacation counselor) office at Medcap
15.) mommy and me class the last Wed of the month at the Altoona library with Angela
16.) beginning to track with his eyes and watch people - is so alert and awake
17.) loves to be talked to - will smile like crazy if you talk to him
18.) has a very strong neck...controls his head very well
19.) when mad....has Easton's teridacktal cry. His screech can be heard through out the house
20.) loves car rides but hates stop signs/stop lights - enjoys the movement
21.) hates the hiccups - gets them every time after nursing/feeding
22.) enjoys laying on the floor and kicking for short periods of time
23.) first night of screening the whole night - pain scream - up all night - supository given and seemed to be better after going poop. (February 24)
24.) lots of pictures - mommy loves taking pictures - took 1600 just when he was a newborn.
25.) has had many visitors - Jill, Angie, Britt, Steph and Jake, Uncle Jason and family, Grandpa Tom and Marla, Grandma Brenda, Johan and Julie and Mindy
26.) being held by big brother Easton
27.) bearing weight on legs and feet (February 19th)
28.) makes puppy noises while sleeping
29.) loves his fists
30.) first laugh out loud (4/07/13)
31.) first park visit 4/05/13
32.) sleeping in his crib in his car seat 4/02/13

Overall I have loved every minute of my maternity leave. I love having the time to spend with my boys and watching them grow, play and experience new things. It will be a sad day when I have to return back to work.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Ace - Two Month Baby Well Check Up

Since being at home in SD during when Ace turned 2 months we had to post pone his 2 month appointment. When we got back home my mom and I took Ace to Dr Owens. I was very curious to see where Ace was on the charts according to other babies. He weighed in at 10lbs 5oz and is in the 8% for his weight. He was 23.5 inches long and is in the 75% for his height and 50% for his head. When i looked at Easton's stats at 2 months Easton was 9lbs 8oz and 23.5 inches long. Even though Ace was born an inch shorter he is on track with Easton's height. Dr Owens is still concerned about his weight so he mentioned feeding him as much formula as possible...which we have been doing lately. Ace also has fluid surrounding his scrotum so the pediatrician thinks he may have a hernia. We are suppose to watch it to make sure it doesn't swell and then go down and swell and go down...if it does..he will have to have surgery for a hernia. Dr. Owens says that half the time the swelling/water build up goes away and everything will be normal...will just have to watch it carefully over the course of the next couple of months.

Ace also had his first round of shots. We have decided to go the alternate route again like we did with we will be going back once a month for routine shots until he's all caught up. He did not like shots one bit and was kind of fussy/running a fever most of the night.

I decided to take Easton with us to the Pediatrician just because he's scared to death of the Pediatricians office. He definitely did not want to walk down that hallway and kicked and screamed. When he realized the office visit wasn't for him he calmed down. At least he doesn't have to go back for him until he's 3 years old.

Overall Ace's visit went well. Just need to keep an eye on his weight. One reason why i weigh him weekly at Angela's office.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Trip To South Dakota - Ace first trip to Grandma's house

Since i have 12 weeks of maternity leave I decided that one week was going to be spent in South Dakota with my family. Easton loves the farm and visiting Papa and Grandma's house. I wasn't too sure about traveling with both boys. I hadn't even been out in Des Moines by myself with both boys...let alone travel 6 hours with both of them. I was somewhat nervous. I decided to leave Friday since Saturday they were expecting some rather snowy and sleety weather. I picked up Easton from daycare around noon. I figured if we left after lunch he'd sleep for a good portion of the trip. I got everything packed and video's ready for Easton. A special treat was I bought Easton the movie Car's.

Easton slept for only an hour on the trip. Ace was a gem and slept until Sioux Falls for the most part. We stopped at Missouri Valley and ate lunch at Arby's and I nursed Ace. After Easton woke up after only an hour he was a bear cat. Nothing satisfied him and he basically cried till Missouri Valley. After lunch Ace fell asleep again and once again Easton wasn't satisfied with anything and he cried till Sioux Falls. It was a long and tiring trip since Easton fussed the whole way. He not only cried a normal cry but screamed most of the way. Never again I told myself. Since I needed a break we stopped at Michael's house in Sioux Falls. Seemed to help a little but then again Easton cried the whole way home to Grandma's house. I was so thankful to get to Mom's house. I was exhausted. It's not like I could stop every 5 minutes to let Easton calm down...I had to keep trucking on.

Grandma's house was a lot of fun. It was nice that I had some help with both boys. The girls loved Ace and even fought over him basically the whole time. He was barely put down since there were 4 girls to hold him. I was able to sleep in a couple of mornings while mom watched Ace. He did rather well in the bouncer while mom cooked and cleaned. Easton had a blast with Papa in the tractor and feeding the cows. He even was able to pet a baby calf since Papa had some newborns the week we were home.

One day we went and visited Lee and Great Grandpa Glen. Overall the week was rather a relaxing one. Didn't do a whole lot but spend a lot of time with the nieces and Aunt Michelle. Mom helped me make Ace's bedding and she also showed me how to make a baby blanket. That was a lot of fun and I hope to make another one when I get back home so I don't forget how to do it.

At the end of the week Easton was starting to miss daddy. We skyped with him a couple of times. Thankfully Michelle, Mom and the girls were all coming up to Iowa to visit so we all traveled together. Bridget was a godsend sitting in the back with Easton and Ace. She was able to help Easton when he needed something and entertain him. It helped out a ton and we had a great trip back to DSM. We were all ready to see daddy.

The unfortunate events of the trip was that Easton and I both got sick. Easton when we got to Grandma's house had swollen eyes. I figured it was from crying the whole way. He woke up the next day with them crusted shut. Mom called Jeff and we were able to get him in to see Joe since Jeff was out of town. Jo opened the office just for us and thankfully Easton only had a little infection and not pink eye. Apparently Jo doesn't believe in pink eye. He put him on drops and antibiotics and they cleared up right away. Easton wasn't fond of the eye drops. I on the other hand got a bad cold and congestion. I was sick most of the week. Thankfully mom was there to help out with both boys since I was under the weather.

Grandma knew how to get him to smile

Cousin Brooke with Ace

Cousin Miley with Ace

Cousin Bridgett with Ace

Ace was never put down

A couple little moms

Easton loved this horsey

Great Grandpa Glen with Ace

Papa Chuck brought up a newborn calf for Easton to pet...he wasn't too sure about it at first

Easton loved his daily tractor ride and feeding the cows time with Papa