

Friday, May 31, 2013

May 2013

Ace - 4 months old

Scratch cupcakes for Mommies birthday

Easton enjoying his cupcake

don't mess with me!!! One of these days Ace will be beating up on Easton

fun times at the park

mommy snuggles

love this little smile

someone found their feet

Easton getting blown dried with a hair dryer just like Ace does after a bath

loves tubby time

brotherly love

love him

Friday, May 24, 2013

Dax's dedication

Grandma and Papa Herman came down for Dax's dedication. The weekend was filled with playing outside, playing at the park and having some great family time. The weekend was focused around Dax's special day of getting dedicated.
Mom and Dad also helped me re-paint my bedroom. Went from a dark brown to a light grey!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Easton's weekend

Our weekend weather is starting to finally get nice out. We can finally enjoy some time outside. Easton loves being outside. He has so much fun just playing with his ride on toys and his wagon in the driveway. It's too bad we don't have a fenced in yard for him to just go outside and play by himself. One of us always has to be outside with him and it makes it kind of hard when I'm taking care of Ace or trying to get things done in the house. This weekend since the weather was so nice we took Easton to a garage sale that was offering horse rides. He's been infatuated with horses since the Kentucky Derby.  At first he was a little shy but after he warmed up to the horses he was all for it. He got to sit on a little shetland pony and actually go for a small ride on a bigger quarter horse. He liked the quarter horse named Red the best. He's going to take after mom and love horses..too bad we don't live on an acreage so we could eventually own some horses. After the horse rides we took both boys to Yellowbanks park in Pleasant hill. Easton had fun playing on the playground and swinging and Ace and I had fun laying on a blanket in the grass soaking up the nice weather.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Easton's 1st Dentist Appointment

Took Easton to the dentist for his very first dentist appointment. He's come with me before and he did let the Dentist look in his mouth just to count his teeth. He screemed the whole time. I was in fear of him doing the same thing this time around. The dentist would actually be doing things in his mouth this time. I got my appointment all done with while he watched cartoons on the tv and played with the other dental hygenists. Now it was his turn....turns out....he did GREAT!!!! He laid right in the chair, opened his mouth and let the dentist take a look. I was so proud of him for being such a big boy!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers Day

For mothers day we always get together with Steph and her family. Since Mothers day falls always on a Sunday and we always do family night on a Sunday it seems to work out. Every year on Mothers day Jesse and Ben get us icecream cake from dairy queen.

It's kind of a tradition that will always be yummy.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Ace's first baby food

Wow...I cannot believe that Ace is old enough to start eating cereal. Crazy how time has flew by. With Easton we started him on baby foods right at 4 months. Going to do the same with Ace but when Ace gets to be 6 months I'm going to try this thing called baby wed's where babies six months and older instead of eating baby food are eating people food..whatever you cook for the night. Could be interesting...but for now..we're going to stick to the liquid baby foods!

Ace's first experience was like Easton's..he didn't know what to think. he basically made all these funny faces and really didn't know what to do with the spoon. Soon he'll figure it out and start to really love eating solids. Big brother sure liked helping feed little brother with the spoon. Ace didn't think it was too exciting