

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Easton - 8 months old

Crazy how Easton is almost a year. He has been the best baby a mom could ask for. At his 8 month drs appointment Easton weighted 18bls 4 oz and was 291/2 inches long. He definitely has put on some weight since his last check up since he's been on the soy formula and baby food. Easton is still sleeping through the night. He normally falls alseep with 5 or 6 of his paci pals, his glow worm and his blankie. I used to have to rock him to sleep but now the little guy isn't liking being rocked to. He'd rather be on the floor playing, rolling around or crawling (which he's still a little slow at). Most nights i just put him to bed when he's wide awake and he'll be content enough to just fall asleep on his own which has been nice.

Our little guy is finally growing. We finally went from a 2 diaper to a size 3 diaper. Didn't ever think we'd be at this point.

So funny story. I was home on a Saturday cleaning and well most of the times when i clean Easton is napping. This time i vacuumed when he wasn't napping...boy he didn't like that. He was scared to death of the vaccuum cleaner. He tried crawling up Jesse for dear life like he was getting attacked. It was so cute. Next time i'll have to try and get him used to the vaccuum cleaner rather than trying to scare him with it..

Another cute thing Easton is figuring out is how to mimic Jesse and I with sounds. He loves clicking his tounge or giving zerberts on us.

Easton has finally learned how to go from crawling to sitting. It was so cute when he didn't know how to go from crawling to sitting..he would just lay down in what looked like a photography pose. We got many kicks and giggles out of him doing that. It was the cutest thing.

July 1st - Extra long weekend due to the 4th of July. I decided to take a half day and take Easton swimming. We headed over to the south side because Mindy was going to take Ellie swimming. This was Easton's first time for swimming. He loved it. He didn't know what to think at first but after he got used to the water he loved splashing and playing. He'd try to crawl to the deeper part but i wouldn't have it. We only spent an hour at the pool due to it being so hot. He was one tuckered out baby after we got done swimming.

July 4th weekend is Ankeny Fest. Jesse and I met my sister and her family and Courtney and Mike and their little boy for the parade. Easton sure was tuckered out by the time the parade was over. Luckily it was a nice day.

Some things this month that Easton expirenced: Best dressed at Johan and Julies wedding...everyone loved his little outfit. First fireworks....didn't know what to think. He did great though celebrating the 4th with friends. Easton is to the point where he's getting bigger and bigger and pulling himself up for the first time so Jesse and I had to move his crib down so he couldn't jump out. He loves it that he can pull himself up like a big boy and play with his toys on the couch. Got tested for allergies to cats and dogs. Everytime we go over to my sisters house his whole face just puffs up and his eyes get red...then my friend Steph brought her dog over to our house one weekend and his face and eyes did the same thing. We figured he was allergic to cats and dogs since i was allergic to them around 10 months. We got him tested and it turned out negative. The doctor said that it was just a screening that we'd have to actually take him to a allergy doctor to know for sure. He seems to be doing better around them when we give him benedryl.

Our little guy is crawling everywhere. He will follow you like a little puppy. Jesse and i have had to be careful as to making sure we close doors to the basement and upstairs. Well one night as i was getting out meat to make dinner. I forgot to close the basement door. Not thinking about it all of a sudden i hear Easton come rolling down. Luckily I caught him before he hit the cement floor. He cried for like 5 seconds and then was ok. Luckily he didn't hit his head harder. Most of his body got the impact but I felt so bad and felt like a horrible mom.

Easton's favorite toys are books, musical chair, daddys boot box, pop up piano, tonka truck, paci pals, jumperoo (finally) and electrical cords still.

What a great little boy Jesse and I have. We couldn't ask for a more happy and pleasant baby. He is such a joy in our everyday lives and is growing up so incredibly fast. It's almost time to have another in the near future...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Young Adults Bowling - Church event

Easton's first time at the bowling alley. Him and Jace had a fun time playing with all the bowling balls including daddys cool beer bowling ball...Jesse brought his own ball and shoes....He bowled great...i on the other hand even rolled a ball better than me.