

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Easton - 9 Months Old

Easton is only 3 months away from turning 1. Can you believe how fast time flies. He’s growing up to be the cutest most loving little boy parents could ask for. At his 9 month appointment Easton weighed 18lbs 13oz..almost 19lbs. The doctor said he’s just going to be a tall lean machine but is still gaining which is good. He’s in the 75% for his height and 25% for his weight. His Pediatrician told us to feed him as much milk and solids he can consume to maybe try and put some extra weight on his tall frame. At his 9 month check up the pediatrician told us we could start introducing Easton to meats and whatever table food that we were eating as long as it was mashed or cut up small enough to swallow. He’s definitely getting a lot better at eating mums, puffs and other people food. There for a while he had hard time chewing and gumming things with no teeth. Easton at 9 months still doesn’t have any teeth. Jace his cousin already has around 6 teeth. He's still our gummy little guy. I also introduced Easton to eggs. He wasn’t quite sure about them. At first I gave him just the yokes because if he were allergic to them he’d be more allergic to the whites. Luckily he wasn’t allergic but he really didn’t like the taste of them either. Pinching food with his fingers has been a struggle with him. He’s finally getting better at being able to pick up food with his fingers and put the food in his mouth…still figuring it out though.
Easton loves electrical cords. He is constantly trying to get his hands on the receiver and DVD player. It’s at the perfect height for him to play with all the buttons. We’ve been consistent with telling him NO and then taking him out of the situation. When we say no he stops and then turns and gives us a big o’l smile…it’s so cute and just makes us laugh when we really shouldn’t be laughing since we’re telling him no. Finally we figured out that putting the ottoman in front of the electrical wires and receivers he’s able to not be tempted as much. I’m on a mission to find something that holds everything and is tucked away…have yet to find that piece of furniture due to a big speaker holding me up.

Easton's favorite toy

This doesn't look right
Since Easton has learned how to pull himself up he is pulling himself up everywhere. He pulls himself up on the chair, couch, doors, stove, dishwasher, fridge….he has so much fun trying to get the remote from us when he pulls himself up on the couch…silly little guy. His new thing is crawling up the stairs. Granted he only gets up about 1 or 2 stairs but that is enough to hurt when he falls and he’s fallen off those stairs a couple of times. He normally only starts crawling up them when Jesse or I have left the family room. He hates being left alone….always has to know where we are. I recently just bought Easton the Lion walker. He loves that thing. Pulls himself up on it…has taken several steps with it. He gets tired quickly but is getting more used to walking so now he’s up to around 10 steps with the lion. It’s so cute watching him try and walk. He’ll be walking in no time flat.

Look at me mom
Jesse actually was able to take a day off from work and stay at home with Easton when he was sick. Jesse and Easton brought me to work and then I took him in to see all my co-workers. Everyone couldn’t believe how much of a mini Jesse he was…lol..we’re always told that. He truly is a mini Jesse.
One Saturday I got the bright idea to repaint our basement. I was never satisfied with the color of the dark walls. The two colors just did not go good together and since Sherwin Williams was having a 40% off sale I figured now was the time to repaint. The color I chose looks awesome and it’s even darker than the other color which Jesse should be happy with. He wanted the color to be dark. My sister and I painted the majority of the two walls while Jesse trimmed everything. As we were about finished and I was washing out a paint brush and Jesse was finishing trimming…that meant no eyes were on the little guy.  The paint and the paint brushes were in his reach and so what do you think he went and did…yep..he went for the paint and the brush…Dark brown/purple paint all over the white carpet and all over his diaper and legs…We only took our eyes off of him for a minute but within that minute he was like a kid in a candy store…he had an eye on his target…luckily we were able to get all the paint up from the carpet and off of him…it wasn’t funny at the time but it’s kind of comical now.

Crazy little guy - into everything
We had some friends over the other night and Easton finally had a girl to play with. Addison is 1 month younger than Easton. He had a great time playing with her but he had a difficult time sharing his toys. Every toy that Addison wanted to play with he immediately took the same toy away…Looks like we’re going to have to give him some lessons in sharing or have more friends with kids over so he can get used to sharing with other babies.  Had Ellie and her mom over to help me with our reception invites..this time he actually played really well with Ellie and actually shared his toys..what a good little guy…
So Cute

Come on Easton..lets climb

At  9 months..Easton finally had his first ear infection. The Pediatrician said he was doing pretty good going this long without a single ear infection. Hopefully we won’t have to put tubes in his ears like my sister had to do with her girls…We got him on amoxicillin and he cleared right up..
For some reason Easton has been playing with his tongue a lot. He loves to click it, stick it out, fold it up…it’s so funny watching him play with it. It’s like he’s discovering it for the first time. He definitely likes to use it to spit his food out at me when I’m trying to feed…

Another fun time at the pool. Our church had a young adult swimming party. Easton loved it. He wasn't too sure of the green floating device but he loved splashing around and playing.

Mom..what is this thing??

Tuckered out from swimming

Jesse and I decided to take another canoe/camping trip with some friends. That meant leaving Easton longer at his Grandma Brenda’s house. A couple days before our trip Easton started developing a cold and not sleeping at night because he couldn’t breathe. I felt so bad pawning the little guy off on his grandma when he wasn’t feeling well. We ended up going on the camping trip and having a good time and thankfully Easton was a great baby for Grandma. He slept through the nights and despite the snotty nose..had a great time. Wasn’t too fond of Brian or Great Grandpa Harold but other than that had a great time.
Some things Easton likes at 9 months…loves cheesy puffs, loves looking at books, playing with his musical chair, walking with the lion, pulling himself up, playing with his Tonka truck, his fridge farm toys, sliding on the carpet with his plastic stars, playing with his pop up piano, playing paddy cake, giving mommy and daddy high fives, electrical cords, helping mommy with laundry (mainly unfolding everything that was folded), chasing Sammie jo (our cat), blankie at bedtime, bath time, crawling up stairs, crawling in general, stuffed monkey at bedtime, spitting his food out during meal times.
Things Easton doesn’t like…being left alone, being rocked at anytime, changing his clothes.
I can’t put into words how much Easton blesses our lives. He’s the cutest little mini Jesse out there. He makes us laugh and smile every day.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Easton - Random Pictures over the course of the month

Easton's new toy...riding and standing lion

So tuckered out he fell asleep while eating

Daddy's not looking so peppy today

We're finally crawling

Sitting up like a big boy with no help

Mom, Dad..come get me...this crawling is for the birds

Finally after 3 months liking his jumper

Had to bribe Easton with keys to crawl to

First time eating puffs...didn't know what to think of them...

I'm not even eating them and we both have disgusted

First time with a sippy cup.....he did great

before dinner

after dinner

what a true little boy..always loving to get dirty

loving the crouchet hats

Easton in bed with daddy while mommy gets ready in the morning...daddy not a fan of being woke up...Easton is wide awake and ready to roll

At the farmers market. Everyone loved his hat

Finding Easton awake with all his paci pals

What's out the window??

Easton's new high chair that mommy bought off of craigslist

First fedora hat that mommy bought to go with my tux outfit...turned out way too big but soooo cute

Pretty soon Easton will be walking..can't quite pull himself up but he loves standing next to the couch

Easton sleeping at Grandma's while Jesse and I went camping..what a good little guy to sleep the whole night

First cute

Everyone got a kick out of Easton's toy at Johan and Julies rehearsal dinner...he'd roll the can and then go after it...he definitely know's what a bud light can is and constantly wants it when he sees daddy with one.